Industrial Piercings Without a Bar: Industrial Alternatives

Looking for alternatives to traditional industrial piercings? If your anatomy doesn’t support a bar, there are other options to consider.

Faux industrial piercings, with a curved end, can give you the look you want.

Vertical industrial piercings, going straight up and down, or trident piercings with three helixes are also possibilities.

To find the right fit, consult with a piercer who can assess your anatomy and recommend suitable jewelry.

Remember to keep the bar in during healing to avoid migration issues.

Key Takeaways

  • Faux industrial piercings are alternatives for those who can’t get a traditional industrial piercing.
  • Vertical industrial piercings and trident piercings are unique alternatives.
  • Not everyone’s anatomy is suitable for an industrial piercing.
  • Keeping the industrial bar in the piercing is essential, especially during the healing process.

Types of Jewelry for Industrial Piercings

If you don’t want to wear an industrial bar, you can choose any jewelry for your industrial piercing. Traditional industrial piercings typically require a long bar that connects two separate piercings to prevent migration and rotation. It’s crucial to wear the industrial bar during the healing process.

However, if you want to switch to different jewelry, you can opt for options like flat back labrets and rings. These alternatives still provide a stylish and unique look for your industrial piercing.

Additionally, faux industrial piercings are available for those who can’t get a traditional industrial piercing. These involve changing the jewelry, with one end curving 90 degrees. Other alternatives include vertical industrial piercings that go straight up and down from the top part of the helix to the inner conch, as well as trident piercings that resemble a trident with three helixes on the top.

Remember to consult with a piercer to determine the most suitable jewelry for your specific needs.

Faux Industrial Piercings

Consider trying faux industrial piercings as an alternative option if you are unable to get a traditional industrial piercing. Faux industrial piercings provide various choices for those who can’t have the typical industrial bar.

These alternatives involve changing the jewelry, with one end curving 90 degrees. Instead of going through the industrial bar, the helix piercing may pass through the flat part. If a helix or forward helix isn’t suitable, a bar with 90-degree curves at each end can be used.

Additionally, vertical industrial piercings and trident piercings offer unique alternatives. Vertical industrial piercings go straight up and down from the top part of the helix to the inner conch, and regular industrial bars can typically be worn with them. Trident piercings have three helixes on the top, resembling a trident.

Remember to consult with a piercer to determine suitable jewelry for these alternatives.

Vertical Industrial Piercings

To achieve a unique look, you can opt for vertical industrial piercings that go straight up and down from the top part of your helix to the inner conch.

Vertical industrial piercings offer a striking and unconventional alternative to traditional industrial piercings. With this piercing, the jewelry follows a vertical path, creating a visually captivating effect.

Regular industrial bars can typically be worn with vertical industrial piercings, but custom jewelry may be required for a perfect fit. It is essential to consult with a professional piercer who can assess your anatomy and recommend suitable jewelry for these alternatives.

Vertical industrial piercings add a touch of individuality and can be a great choice for those looking to stand out.

Anatomical Suitability for Industrial Piercings

Assessing your anatomy is crucial to determine if an industrial piercing is suitable for you. Not everyone’s anatomy is compatible with this type of piercing. A defined lip on the helix is necessary to support the industrial bar.

It is important to note that industrial piercings can be challenging to heal and require sufficient tissue. Consulting with a professional piercer is essential to assess your unique anatomy for an industrial piercing. If your anatomy does not support a traditional industrial piercing, alternative options may be available.

Faux industrial piercings offer various alternatives for those with unsuitable anatomy. These alternatives involve a change of jewelry, such as a bar with 90-degree curves or a helix piercing going through the flat. Remember, always consult with a piercer to determine the best option for your specific situation.


Remember, if you choose not to wear an industrial bar, there are a variety of jewelry options available for your piercings. It’s important to keep in mind that the industrial bar is crucial during the healing process to prevent migration and rotation.

However, if you decide to swap to a different type of jewelry, there are alternatives for you. Flat back labrets and rings are popular choices for industrial piercings. Additionally, faux industrial piercings offer alternatives for those who cannot get a traditional industrial piercing. These piercings involve changing the jewelry, with one end curving 90 degrees.

Vertical industrial piercings and trident piercings are also unique alternatives that you can consider. Remember to consult with a piercer to determine the most suitable jewelry option for your specific anatomy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Switch Back to Wearing an Industrial Bar After Trying Out Alternative Jewelry for My Industrial Piercing?

Yes, you can switch back to wearing an industrial bar after trying out alternative jewelry for your industrial piercing. Just make sure to keep the bar in during the healing process.

Are There Any Risks or Complications Associated With Faux Industrial Piercings?

There are risks and complications associated with faux industrial piercings. These include possible migration and discomfort due to improper jewelry placement. Consult with a professional piercer to minimize these risks and ensure a successful piercing experience.

What Types of Jewelry Can Be Used for Vertical Industrial Piercings?

For vertical industrial piercings, you can use regular industrial bars. Trident piercings may require custom jewelry. Consult your piercer for suitable options. Keep in mind the importance of wearing proper jewelry for healing and preventing migration.

How Do I Know if My Anatomy Is Suitable for a Traditional Industrial Piercing?

To know if your anatomy is suitable for a traditional industrial piercing, consult with a piercer. They can assess your helix’s lip and tissue to determine if it can support the piercing. Alternative options may be available based on your unique anatomy.

Are There Any Specific Aftercare Instructions for Industrial Piercings With Alternative Jewelry?

There aren’t any specific aftercare instructions for industrial piercings with alternative jewelry. However, it’s still important to take care of your piercing by cleaning it regularly and avoiding any trauma or excessive movement.